Day: May 13, 2016

Erg Playlists

Music to erg to, pt. 121

Lots of good stuff on the blog lately so if you aren’t caught up, here’s what you’ve missed:

Getting across the line with world class speed This is from a talk Bryan Volpenhein gave at a coaching conference I went to last year. There’s a couple videos in here from the M4- he coaches, as well as his thoughts on the mentality you should have at the start and how to stay relaxed when you’re at peak speed. Definitely worth reading.

VOTW: Inches. One of the best rowing videos that I’ve been saving for just the right time.

The mental game This is from the same conference as Bryan’s talk. This one was given by Adam Naylor, a sport psychologist at BU and Northeastern and talks about helping athletes manage themselves on race day (and how I “managed” myself as a coxswain) and what giving up control during a race means if you’re a coxswain. Linked in that post is this TED Talk from a few years ago – check it out too when you have time.

I also posted four questions yesterday on coxing seat races (should you talk, should you not…), dealing with a rough coaching situation, burying the blade too deep on the drive, and how to “generally” cox a race with crew you’re unfamiliar with.