Author: readyallrow

Coxing Q&A Racing

Question of the Day

Is it a good idea before our first spring race this weekend to get together at someone’s dorm and “go through” the race? Like, I’ve heard of coxswains sitting their rowers down in a dark room, eyes closed, and imagining the race while the cox does the calls.

For sure! It’s definitely always a great idea to go over the strategy with your crew before you race because then there are no surprises and they can anticipate things a little better. Make sure you go over Plan A and Plan B, that being what you’re going to do if something during the race doesn’t go as planned and you have to deviate from Plan A.

I like the idea of the rowers visualizing the race while the coxswain makes the calls. I know that’s a thing that some of the national team coxswains do and if you take it seriously and really commit to it, it could be a useful tool for you and your boat. Even if you just have them close their eyes while you walk them through each 500 and point out the highlights of your race plan, that’s another great way to help them stay calm and prepare for the race.


Question of the Day

How did you get in to answering all these rowing questions?

Once I started coaching I think I probably just started talking about crew a lot more on social media and then even more so when I started coxing again. Around July the questions really started to pick up and I thought it’d be useful to collect everything in one place so other people could read what was being said. This whole thing has made me realize though that there’s definitely a need for more coxswain education and if I can somehow provide that, I’m more than willing to share all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years.

How to Make Improvements as a Novice Coxswain

Coxing How To Novice

How to Make Improvements as a Novice Coxswain

Previously: Steer an eight/four || Call a pick drill and reverse pick drill ||  Avoid getting sick

How a novice coxswain improves is really the same as how any level of coxswain improves – it’s all about goal setting and purposefully reflecting on those goals throughout the season.

Related: How to survive winter training: Coxswains

I’ve talked about setting goals before but in addition to outlining some objectives for your season, here are a few other tips on how to continually improve your coxing prowess.

Be a student of the sport.

The thing with sports (or any hobby) is that you first have to learn their nuances before you get good at whatever it is. With crew, the best way to learn is to become a student of the sport. Listen to your coach (intently, purposefully, and diligently), learn the techniques they’re teaching (how they’re executed, their purpose, etc.), and get on the erg and practice. One of my biggest pet peeves with rowing is coxswains who don’t know how to row and worse, won’t make the effort to learn. In my opinion, you should be one of the most technically proficient people in your boat. Why? Because if you’re telling the rowers what to do and critiquing every minuscule movement they make you should be able to replicate what you’re telling them to do and do it pretty damn well

When you’re in school, you expect to learn from the best, right? What’s the point in learning differential equations or organic chemistry from someone who can explain it but can’t solve the equations or create the reactions themselves? I’ve had professors like that and my confidence in their abilities to teach me was pretty nonexistent. I and my classmates really suffered for it too. You don’t want your rowers to feel that way about you so developing a thorough understanding of the stroke, the drills, how things should feel, what it should look like, etc. will help you get better at communicating with your crew and invoke a sense of confidence in you from them.

Improvement #1: Instead of just “showing up”, learn everything you can about the sport – the more you do outside of practice, the more you’ll benefit during practice.

How to do it: Study. Look online for examples of things you don’t understand. Talk to your coaches. Listen to them when they’re coaching. Ask questions. Practice the drills you call on the water. Figure out what makes sense, what doesn’t, and how you can explain it better.

Exude confidence.

I’ve talked about this more times than I can count – at least in 75% of the questions I get related to coxing I say something about confidence – so to avoid belaboring the point, I’ll just say this: a confident coxswain is a trustworthy coxswain. There’s a big difference between being confident and cocky though so don’t get the two confused.

Related: “Fake it till you make it.” Do you believe in that for coxswains? Because of today’s terrible practice I wouldn’t have been able to fake anything for the life of me.

In talking with numerous novice coxswains, confidence is their biggest concern. Your boat has to believe you know what you’re doing, as do you. Establishing control the moment you step in the boat allows the rowers to focus solely on rowing without having to worry about whether or not you know what you’re doing. Your only option is to step up and rise to the occasion.

Improvement #2: Be confident.

How to do it: Regardless of how good you actually are (or aren’t), go out every day and cox your boat like you’re the baddest bitch on the water. Speak up and provide input to your coach or crew on a regular basis. Accept your responsibilities. Tell yourself you can do this and then do it. Congratulate yourself on a job well done and let mistakes go (but commit to learning from them).

Open and maintain lines of communication.

Communication is one of the many things that fall under the “#1 Responsibility” category. It’s important that you develop a relationship between not only you and your crew but also with you and your coach(es) and you and the other coxswains. The more communication there is between you and each of those groups of people, the better and smoother your practices will run, which results in greater efficiency all around. It also just makes the team environment a lot more tolerable for everyone when the coaches and coxswains aren’t pissed at each other for something that could have easily been cleared up if some had just said something.

One of the most satisfying things for me as a coxswain is when I tell my boat something during a drill or piece that I know our coach would say and then the next time we stop, our coach says exactly that. It’s great for you in terms of building your confidence but it’s also great for the boat because they hear you and your coach reiterating each other’s points, which means you’re both on the same page, which means the rowers don’t ever have to “choose” who they’re going to listen to.

Improvement #3: Communicate.

How to do it: Talk to your coach every single day. Find out what they expect of you, how they want you to do things, how they do things, why they do things a certain way, etc. Also talk to the other coxswains about where you’re meeting up if you’re going out together, where your points are when you’re doing pieces, how practice went that day, etc.

Record everything.

In school, we take notes and record our lectures so that when we’re studying for exams, we can go back and refresh ourselves on everything we’ve learned up to that point. We see the mistakes we’ve made on math problems and learn how to not make those mistakes again. We read about what strategies worked and didn’t work during times of war in our history classes. We study and study and study so that when the time comes, we’ve made the necessary tweaks and prepared ourselves to execute everything perfectly.

Related: Do you recommend carrying a small pocket notebook or having a regular size notebook for notes? I currently have a pocket notebook during erg pieces to jot down splits and times. How do you organize all your thoughts and coxswain information?

This is why coxswains (should) record everything. You have a recorder so you can hear the calls you make and the drills you do and you’ve got a notebook so you can write down lineups, the practice plan, what worked, what didn’t, etc. Combine the two and you have everything you need to make your crew the best one on the water.

Related: The best recorders for coxswains

Listening to your recordings gives you the opportunity to be your own best critic. It allows you the chance to hear yourself and then go out the next day and experiment with something new while continuing to do what you know works. Experimentation with your calls is critical; if you don’t practice it, you can’t execute it, and if you can’t execute it, what’s the point? Keeping a notebook gives you space to elaborate on what your thoughts were during practice and lets you go back and study what you’ve done in the past to determine what needs to be done to fix things in the future.

Improvement #4: Get a recorder and keep a notebook.

How to do it: Go to the store and buy one. Keep them in your coxswain bag and bring them with you to every practice/race. While on the water, make quick notes of things that are or aren’t going well by talking to the recorder and then once you’re off the water, spend some time elaborating on the details in your notebook. Share your recordings and notes with your coach on a regular basis. Get their feedback on your recordings and advice on how to deal with any issues you’ve made note of in your notebooks.

At the end of the day it’s up to you to identify the areas where you can improve (either through your own objective observations or through conversations with your coach) and then actually take the steps to get better. It’s one thing to say you want to get better, it’s another to actually commit and do it. Talk the talk, walk the walk, etc.

Image via // @david_herren

What to wear: Sunglasses

Coxing Rowing

What to wear: Sunglasses

Previously: What to wear: Coxswains (women) || What to wear: Coxswains (men) || What to wear: Rowers

Whether you get a cheap pair or splurge on some Oakley M-frames (#freespeed), sunglasses are a worthwhile investment. A great reason to get a cheap pair of sunglasses is so that if they got knocked into the water, it’s not like you just lost a few hundred dollars.

One thing that I’ve seen a lot people, particularly coxswains, wear with their glasses are Chums or Croakies. Croakies actually have little floater things you can attach to your glasses too so that if you do somehow manage to drop them in the water, they’ll at least float until you (or your coxswain) can grab them. If you splurged on a pair of glasses that can make the extra $10 (or less, most of the time) worth it.

Regardless of what glasses you decide to get, two features you’ll want to look for are polarized and hydrophobic lenses. Polarization protects your eyes from the sun’s glare (which we all know can be downright killer on the water) and the hydrophobic feature allows water to bead up and slide off the lens instead of just sitting there and blurring your vision.

For regular rowers, I’d say these are great extras but not necessarily “must-haves” unless you really want them. For scullers and coxswains, who heavily rely on being able to see what’s in front or behind them, definitely look into getting a pair of shades that have those features. Pro tip, your steering will be a lot more effective if you can actually see where you’re going.

Image via // @row_360

High School Q&A Training & Nutrition

Question of the Day

Hi! I’m supposed to be holding a captains practice on Friday and we have to incorporate 30 mins of hard work into the workout but it’s supposed to be like a fun workout. Any ideas of what to do? PS we are a varsity girls high school squad! Thanks!!

Fun! Some ideas off the top of my head:

steady state Erg relay

Break into teams of equal numbers and have each person row a certain number of meters.


Run “x” number of miles and then in the remaining amount of time erg as many meters as you can. You could also pair people up (coxswain-rower pairs, pair partners, frosh-senior/sophomore-junior, etc.) and have one erg while the other runs and see which pair gets the most total meters.

Play a game

Soccer, basketball, dodgeball, kickball – it counts as cross training and it’s fun. Just be careful so you don’t get hurt.

Hope that helps!

Q&A Rowing Training & Nutrition

Question of the Day

I’ve been injured for about three weeks now – it’s a hip flexor strain that hurts the most toward the end of my drive. Prior to my injury I was doing extra work in addition to our team’s winter training program and really felt myself establishing a good position for spring season. Since I’ve been injured I’ve been taking a few days off, trying to come back and being too hurt to finish a workout and then proceeding to take a few days off again. It’s a cycle. Recently I tried taking longer off but it’s so frustrating to not be able to work out while everyone else can. I couldn’t go to CRASHBs either, which really sucks. I feel like I’m losing all the hard work I put in for months because of this injury. I hope to start to ease back into things in the next few days but we have a 2k in two weeks and I’m terrified I won’t be ready and the work I’ve done won’t show. Then we go to Miami in three weeks. Basically, I’m asking how this sort of setback will affect my fitness level and the work I’ve put into training and how it looks from a coach’s perspective/coxswain’s perspective.

Injuries like this suck. They’re the nightmares of every athlete and coach because everyone knows that one wrong move can kill a season. We’ve all heard the stories of athletes coming back too soon and re-injuring themselves again or worse than they did the first time (prime example was Rob Gronkowski re-breaking his forearm this past season after coming back way too soon). You have to take time off and you have to force yourself to accept the fact that time off now means better things for the future. This is what I said to a question about how much shoulder pain someone should erg through – I think it applies to your situation too:

“It’s better to be safe than sorry. Would you rather miss and have to make up an erg test or would you rather injure your shoulder, be in a ton of pain, and later on find that you’ve exacerbated an injury that is going to keep you out of the boat for a week or two (or longer)? Be smart. Don’t just “row through the pain”. “Row through the pain” is acceptable for a race when the pain is imminent. Abnormal pain is not something you should just go with. Get it checked out and make sure there’s nothing wrong with it before getting back on the erg.”

You need to sit down and talk with your coach before you do anything else. First, make sure he knows about your injury if he doesn’t already. Secondly, explain the extent of it. There’s a 90% chance they’ll ask you what the doctor said so be prepared to tell them. (And seriously, if you haven’t gone to the doctor, GO.) Third, tell them that you went to winter training, did the extra workouts, could feel yourself getting in a good rhythm for the spring, etc. and now you’re worried about how this injury is going to affect your standing when it comes to 2ks, training, etc. Your coach knows you better than I do so in that respect, at least, he’ll be able to give you more insight on what kind of impact this might have.

If you are in relatively good shape, have good technique, etc. I don’t think you’ll take that hard of a hit. Obviously your fitness will decrease a bit, which is natural, but ultimately you’ll take a much bigger hit if you don’t get back to 100% before you start training again. You’re probably going to have a much bigger mental setback than a physical one, which I think you’re already experiencing a little. From a coxswain’s standpoint, it doesn’t really matter because they’re not the one who decides lineups or your standing on the team. They should be there to support you and that’s all.

From a coach’s standpoint, it really depends on the kind of coach you have. In my opinion, when an athlete is injured, the coach has no choice but to accept it and wait for them to heal. Pushing them to come back before they’re ready, guilt-tripping them by making them feel like they’re letting themselves and/or their teammates down, writing off the injury as “not that serious”, etc. are all signs of a not-so-great coach. Since I started coaching I’ve noticed that a lot of the time when someone is injured, the reason coaches are skeptical of the extent is because far too many people mistake soreness as pain or they’re just lazy and don’t want to feel any kind of discomfort at all. Neither of those situations sound like yours, so hopefully your coach recognizes that this is a legitimate issue and responds accordingly. Since you were putting the work in during the off-season and doing the extra workouts, from a coach’s standpoint, I think you’ll continue to be in good standing. Knowing that you were willing to put the work in before reassures coaches that you’ll be willing to do twice the work, if necessary, after and that’s the kind of person we want in our boats.

Related: Because of an injury and physical therapy, among other things, I have a really hard time erging. I won’t finish PT until around February and I really want to have a decent 2k time (I haven’t erged the entire fall season) … what’s a good goal for myself? I’m a lightweight (5’9, 125 lbs) and I just had my first season.

Make sure you’re stretching (more than you normally would) every day, even on the days when you’re not working out. If you’ve got a foam roller you can use and it doesn’t hurt too much, I’d also add that into your routine. Know your limits and how far you can reasonably go with your injury. You might be able to go 100mph on a normal day but right now you might have to settle for 60. Don’t push yourself too much or you’ll end up re-injuring yourself. Before your 2k, if it feels like you’re still not ready, ask your coach if you can postpone it until you’re closer to 100% so that your time and effort accurately reflects your training and not your injury. When you go to Miami, if it’s possible to switch out halfway through your morning row or something if your hip is still bothering you, see if you can do that. Coaches are almost always willing to work with their athletes but they have to know there’s a problem first in order to help them. Keep your coach in the loop and make sure they know before your test and before you go to Miami if your hip is still an issue.

Like I said before, the biggest setback you’re likely to face is more of a mental one than a physical one. Instead of looking at it like you’re losing all the hard work you put in, look at it instead as all the hard work you put in is what’s going to help you recover faster and be stronger when you come away from this. Your body is in better shape and is becoming more efficient so you’ve already got yourself in a good position for when you come back.

An Introduction to Rigging: Pitch


An Introduction to Rigging: Pitch

Previously: Intro to rigging, spread, and span || Oar length, inboard, and blade profile

Today’s post is going to talk about pitch. There are two types – stern and lateral. Stern pitch, which goes from front to back (aka stern to bow), is the angle that the oarlock pin is set from vertical during the drive. Lateral pitch is the degree of angle that the pin is either to or away from the midline of the boat.

Stern pitch

Stern pitch is a necessary component of rigging because it’s what helps hold the oar’s position in the water during the drive (meaning that it plays a part in ensuring the blade is at the proper depth). Since your blade is not strictly horizontal to the shell while in the water – it’s angled downwards – the pitch of the oarlock is necessary in helping keep the blade buried. 4 degrees is the standard angle, but it can range anywhere from 3-7. Too much pitch (7+ degrees) will cause the blade to wash out at the finish, whereas not enough (less than 4 degrees) will cause the blade to dig in too deep.

Lateral pitch

Lateral pitch creates different degrees of pitch at each end of the stroke. An outward pitch of one degree away from the boat’s midline increases the stern pitch by one degree (keeps the blade buried) and decreases the stern pitch by one degree at the finish (allows the blade to pop out more easily). Pitch here shouldn’t be more than one degree at most – the typical range is between 0 and 1 degrees to avoid creating too much depth on one end and not enough on the other.

To measure both the stern and lateral pitch, you’ll need a pitch meter. The most important part of doing this is making sure your boat is stable and not sitting cockeyed in the slings. It’s not a bad idea once you’ve set it down to go stand at the bowball and look down the boat to ensure it’s level. Set your pitch meter on the gunnel and calibrate it so that the bubble is in the middle of the level. It should read “zero degrees” at this point.

From here, take it out to the oarlock, set it against the face of the oar lock, and adjust it until the bubble is in the middle of the level again. This will tell you the degrees of your stern pitch (remember, 4 is average but it can range from 3-7). To measure lateral pitch, you’ll first have to take the oarlock off the pin so you can get better access to it. Place the pitch meter against the pin and measure the angle away from midline of the boat the same way you measured the stern pitch.

Here’s a video that demonstrates how to do it:

Next week: Rigger height and work through

Image via // @rowingcelebration

Coxing Novice Q&A

Question of the Day

Is it unusual to change from rowing to coxing? I’m nearing the end of my novice season and feel like I could be a good cox in the future. I love rowing and am getting decent results but at 5’4 (shorter than one of my coxswains) and 120lbs (female) I have to work crazy hard to keep up with all the bigger girls. I’ll be sticking with the sport either way but it just seems like such a cool component of the boat to be.

Definitely not! It’s way more unusual to go from coxing to rowing and the only people that tend to do that are high school guys who are too tall to cox after their freshman year. I would definitely propose the idea to your coach and get their input. They’ll probably be more receptive to the idea if your team is actually in need of coxswains vs. already having a surplus but it never hurts to ask. If you have a genuine interest in it and aren’t looking to switch just because you’re not willing to put the effort in to become a better rower, I doubt your coaches will have a problem with you wanting to try something new.

Related: Hi! So I’m a senior in my first year of club rowing. I’m really athletic and strong from swimming and cross country but I’m 5’2 and like 115. Do you think I have a future in college rowing or should I be a coxswain? Thanks.

If you’re part of or near a rowing club that hosts learn to row camps over the summer, I’d go to those and volunteer to be a coxswain. That way you can get experience in the boat, get a feel for what it’s like, and start picking up some of the skills you’ll need (like steering) before the fall season starts. That way, if you coach needs you to, you’ll be ready to hop into the boat without being too far behind the learning curve.