Author: readyallrow

College Coxing Q&A

Question of the Day

Are there any summer programs you’d recommend for collegiate coxswains?

Check out places like Vesper, Penn AC, Riverside, etc. They all have summer U23/high performance programs that race at the big summer regattas. I’d also talk with your coach and see if they know of anything. Sometimes they have the inside track on that kind of stuff and it can come in pretty handy when they can make a call on your behalf. If all else fails, start coaching. I can’t tell you how much more heightened my coxing senses have become since I started coaching. Email high school coaches or clubs in the area you’ll be in over the summer and ask if they could use a hand.

College Novice Q&A Teammates & Coaches

Question of the Day

I guess this is more a social life outside of rowing kind of question, but I’m in university rowing and there are a lot of socials which a lot of people attend. But, being in the UK, it’s all about getting drunk and partying etc, and I don’t particularly enjoy that so most of the time I feel left out and only go to the bigger ones (like Christmas ball) and have one glass. But I’m also a novice and want to meet people/seniors which is hard if you just go to practice. Do you have any advice?

When you go to the socials, try not to focus so much on the fact that you feel left out – instead, try and join in on some conversations if you see any happening, as well as look for anyone else who looks equally bored. There’s almost always someone else who is uncomfortable or feeling left out too that you can strike a conversation with.

If parties aren’t your thing, that’s OK! Take the initiative to try and organize something more low-key – maybe a team dinner at one of the senior’s apartments at the start of the year/season to get to know the new team members or a team activity to raise money for charity (an ergathon, triathlon, etc.). You’d be surprised how well you can get to know someone when you have to be on an organizing committee with them. You could also have once-a-month team get togethers … ideas for that could be each boat brings their favorite board/card game to play and you spend the night playing games, going on a restaurant crawl (drinks at one restaurant, appetizers at another, entree at another, desserts at another), etc. You could also look on Groupon or similar deal-sites to see if they have any good deals on stuff like rock climbing, laser tag, spa days & massages, etc. that you and some teammates can do.

Don’t be afraid to admit that parties aren’t your thing. If there is an upperclassman that you know fairly well, ask them for their advice … just say that parties aren’t your thing but you don’t want to seem anti-social or like you don’t want to get to know people, because you do. They might have some ideas for you too!

High School Novice Q&A Training & Nutrition

Question of the Day

I’m a novice rower in my third season. I’m one of the strongest novice rowers, but also the heaviest (female) novice. This hasn’t seemed to be a problem before, I’m very healthy and strong, but when we did weight-adjusted pieces I began to realize it was a bit of a problem. I’m 5 7 and about 178 pounds, and about 20 pounds heavier than the other girls. I’m not self conscious about my weight, although according to my BMI I am slightly over weight, and now I’m realizing I could perform better if I was slightly lighter. I’ve tried dieting before, but I’ve always felt weak and worried about my strength while working out three hours every day. Do you have any tips about losing weight healthily as rower?

First, as an athlete, don’t take your BMI too seriously. BMI can’t tell how much muscle mass you have and since muscle tends to weigh more than fat, it more often than not classifies athletes (of all kinds) as overweight or obese when they’re obviously not.

To lose weight in a healthy manner, it’s requires a fairly simple, boring combination of diet and exercise. To lose fat mass, cardio is the way to go – biking, runnng, swimming, erging, etc. 3-4x a week. To maintain your strength, do core and weight training 2x a week. The biggest change will come from your diet. Successful weight loss tends to be about 70% diet and 30% exercise. As a rower, you’ve got the exercise part covered, so your diet is where you’ll want to focus your attention. Take inventory of what you eat and then spend some time finding healthy substitutes and slowly phasing out the unhealthy stuff. Don’t try and go cold turkey on Ben & Jerry’s or whatever because that’ll just make you want it more.

The reason you were probably feeling weak before when you were dieting is because you weren’t doing it the right way. To some extent, yes, dieting is about adjusting your caloric intake, but it’s more about just making healthier overall choices. You’re young and active, so your metabolism is probably still fairly high, so you’re burning energy a lot faster than the normal person, which means you need to be eating foods that provide an adequate amount of energy for a long period of time. Don’t try and limit how much you eat..if anything, you want to increase the number of meals you eat (instead of 3 large meals, eat 5 small meals) and substitute healthier options for the not-so-healthy stuff.

Also, don’t focus too much on what the scale says. Check it periodically (like, every couple of days or once a week) but look for more noticeable changes, like your jeans fitting a little looser or changes in your measurements – tangible stuff like that is a better indication of weight loss than the scale.

Q&A Training & Nutrition

Question of the Day

What’s your opinion on rowers smoking/drinking? Do you think there can ever be a balance or should athletes just avoid it?

Well, smoking for one is a straight no because lung function is kind of important to rower and smoking, obviously, hinders that. I also feel like drinking is fairly self-explanatory too. When you’re training and in-season, there’s really no place for it. If you’re just having like, a beer then whatever but if you’re pounding Jagerbombs knowing that you have practice the following morning then maybe take a step back and reevaluate your priorities.

Many teams implement a “dry policy” when they’re in season too that everyone’s expected to adhere to. You also have to consider how your behavior is going to effect yourself, your boat, and your team if you’re drinking or partying too much. That’s an important one to consider because with any other sport, you can put the second-string player in and it wouldn’t effect much. With rowing, adding in a new person to the boat that you’re not used to rowing with or being coxed by can unintentionally mess everything up.

Common sense isn’t all that common but it really reigns supreme here. Situations like this are all about exercising good judgement and just using your common sense.

Ergs Q&A Racing Training & Nutrition

Question of the Day

Where I live we are in the mid of racing season and obviously have the Christmas break off from set trainings. I am planning to lose a little bit of weight for rowing, hopefully have finished just after mid January when we have seat racing planned just before summer camp. I am only aiming to lose 6kg and I have already nearly lost 2, I might not quite get there but yeah. Our coaches generally only weigh us at the start of the season (as we are too young for weights). Should I ask to be weighed before the seat racing so it doesn’t affect the results? When doing seat racing do you take into account rower’s weight? If I lose weight, will it affect my erg score? I am ‘lightweight’ but we don’t race under weight categories, but under age & gender.

If you only race under age/gender, I don’t think it would matter too much. If you’re racing against another “lightweight” they’re just going to look at whether you’re under 130lbs (or whatever lightweight is for you) and go from there. They won’t care about the specific weight. If you want to weigh yourself, you can, but I doubt your coaches would take it into consideration. It’s a question worth asking them though just to be sure.

If you lose weight but maintain or gain muscle in place of the fat you lose, then no, I doubt there will be a change in your erg score since you’ll be maintaining your strength. If it is affected in some way, I would assume it’d be positively because hopefully you’re losing weight through proper diet and strength training, which means you’d be building muscle. Increased muscle mass = increased power = lower splits. If you lose weight (typically in an unhealthy way) that causes you to lose both muscle AND fat, then yes, your erg score will probably be negatively affected.

Ergs Q&A Rowing Training & Nutrition

Question of the Day

This question was sparked from the answers involving fast twitch/ slow twitch fibers. My team is off for a few weeks for the holidays (yay my coaches have hearts!) but we were told 2 things before we went off to enjoy our break: 1) to keep up with our workouts (obviously) and 2) to expect a 2k when we get back. What would the best workouts for me to do to prep for a 2k?

I think I mentioned this in the previous question, but plyometrics and intervals are great because the amount of time spent doing “work” is short, which works your anaerobic system. Depending on how much time you have available during the week to workout, I’d try to do something like this:

Monday: Steady state + lift
Tuesday: Intervals (8×500, 40 seconds on/20 seconds off, etc.)
Wednesday: Circuit
Thursday: Steady state
Friday: Steady state + core

That’s a very rough outline, but hopefully you get the idea. On Saturday or Sunday, I’d try to do a long run just to switch up your training and get you off the erg for a bit. You don’t want the fast twitch to overtake the slow twitch by too much – there needs to be an equal balance of the two, so make sure you’re not dropping the marathoner in favor of the sprinter.

Q&A Rowing Technique Training & Nutrition

Question of the Day

Hi! I was looking at this past question from back in October. I know I do this too but, I watched the video and I don’t know if I do the shooting the slide thing but I do get pain in my lower back after longer rowing sessions. I don’t understand how to fix the problem unless I am in a single. My coaches mentioned placing the oars, then waiting to feel something to ‘grip’ on to then take the stroke. How am I meant to apply this in a boat?

To answer the first part regarding the pain in your low back: it’s possible that you shoot your slide a little bit but not enough that you’d be able to see it on video unless you slowed it down. When I’ve watched video before with my coaches I’ve seen things in slow motion that I never noticed at regular speed. It’s usually the really intricate stuff that most rowers don’t worry about until late high school and college, but if you look closely, you can see it. Other causes of low back pain that I can think of are:

Arching your back. In an effort to sit up straighter, some rowers will unknowingly puff their chests out and exaggerate the curvature in their backs

Not enough core strength. If your core muscles aren’t developed enough, it can make your low back sore from trying to maintain good posture. Planks and side planks are two of the best exercises a rower can do in order to develop their core strength. Try adding those into your stretching/workout routine if you don’t already do them and see if that helps. A really basic assessment for core strength is to do a plank and see how long you can hold it for. 30-60 seconds is average, longer than 60 seconds is considered strong, and less than 30 seconds means you’re a weakling.

Herniated disc. This is one of the most common injuries with rowers. This article from the New York Times explains everything you’ve ever wanted to know about them. Even if you think this is a slim possibility, you should still go to the doctor just to have it ruled out. Rowers careers have ended over these things and it’s unfortunate when they find out that if they’d gone to the doctor sooner, something could have been done to correct it.

There are many other causes of low back pain, including just plain poor technique, but these are some of the most common causes. Regardless of whether or not the pain is acute or constant, you should really get it checked out. Better safe than sorry. Also make sure you stretch before AND after practice.

Related: Hi there! I have the unfortunate issue of missing water/not getting my oar completely buried before my drive. My knees go down faster than the rest of my boat, and it’s hard on the timing especially when I’m stroking. Why is this happening? I know how it should feel like on my legs if I get the full drive (it’s more pressure, it’s like how strokes feel on an erg), but my hands don’t seem to get it. What are some things I can do? Thank you in advance.

Going back to what your coach said about “placing the oars”, this is something I’ve heard one of the Harvard coaches say and it’s one of the reasons why you don’t want to have a “death grip” on your oar otherwise you can’t feel what your coach is talking about. When you’re on the recovery you’re pushing the oars away from you (in the direction of your fingertips). At the catch when you place the blades in the water, you’ll feel the oars change direction because there will be a slight push-back into your palms. When you feel that push-back, that’s when you start your drive (which is why it’s important to make sure your slide is synced with your blades).

High School Q&A Rowing Teammates & Coaches

Question of the Day

Hi, I’m a 5’6 140 pound 16 year old girl. I’m a first year varsity rower with the second best scores on my team, yet my coach still won’t put me in his varsity four in favor of a girl who’s slightly taller than me but not as fast, even though he already has a girl my height (the one girl on the team who consistently beats me) in that boat. Is it because of my height? What can I do to make him show him I am better than she is?

I don’t think it’s based strictly on your height, especially if he already has another 5’6″ rower in the boat. If you have good erg times, my next guess would be your technique. Power and strength can only take you so far – what really gives you that extra inch is how well you row. If you and this other girl are similar in every other category, that would be why I assume your coach chose her over you. That’s purely speculative though. Before trying to show him why you’re “better” than her, first find out what makes her “better” than you. Talk with your coach and say that your goal is to row in the varsity four. You notice that you and this other girl are very similar and you want to know why she was chosen over you so that you can work on whatever the deficit is in the hope of eventually getting in the boat. If you do any erg pieces with your coxswains around, ask one of them to watch you and point out anything with your technique that you could work on. Talk with your coach about what he’s looking for in a V4+ rower so that you have some idea of who he wants in the boat. Be mature in your approach to talking with him and don’t let it come off as bitchy or whiny – that’s a surefire way to ensure this other girl stays in the boat all season.

Don’t let your main focus during training be about proving yourself against this girl. To an extent, yes, that’s what you have to do in order to be in the boat, but your main focus should be on becoming an overall better rower – getting stronger, working on your technique, improving your splits, etc. If you do all of that, your rowing will speak for itself.