High School Q&A Rowing Teammates & Coaches

Question of the Day

Hi, I’m a 5’6 140 pound 16 year old girl. I’m a first year varsity rower with the second best scores on my team, yet my coach still won’t put me in his varsity four in favor of a girl who’s slightly taller than me but not as fast, even though he already has a girl my height (the one girl on the team who consistently beats me) in that boat. Is it because of my height? What can I do to make him show him I am better than she is?

I don’t think it’s based strictly on your height, especially if he already has another 5’6″ rower in the boat. If you have good erg times, my next guess would be your technique. Power and strength can only take you so far – what really gives you that extra inch is how well you row. If you and this other girl are similar in every other category, that would be why I assume your coach chose her over you. That’s purely speculative though. Before trying to show him why you’re “better” than her, first find out what makes her “better” than you. Talk with your coach and say that your goal is to row in the varsity four. You notice that you and this other girl are very similar and you want to know why she was chosen over you so that you can work on whatever the deficit is in the hope of eventually getting in the boat. If you do any erg pieces with your coxswains around, ask one of them to watch you and point out anything with your technique that you could work on. Talk with your coach about what he’s looking for in a V4+ rower so that you have some idea of who he wants in the boat. Be mature in your approach to talking with him and don’t let it come off as bitchy or whiny – that’s a surefire way to ensure this other girl stays in the boat all season.

Don’t let your main focus during training be about proving yourself against this girl. To an extent, yes, that’s what you have to do in order to be in the boat, but your main focus should be on becoming an overall better rower – getting stronger, working on your technique, improving your splits, etc. If you do all of that, your rowing will speak for itself.

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