Category: Novice

College Coxing Novice Racing Video of the Week

Video of the Week: “Ignatius, stop rowing”, pt. 3

Really? Really?

That novice boat should have been disqualified and given a serious talking to by the regatta officials with their coaches present. (Supposedly they only received a 20 second penalty.) This goes way past your standard novice screw-up. The blades of the two boats were overlapping which means they were probably less than 10 feet apart. This was almost a head-on collision between a varsity four at full race pace/pressure and an eight that appeared to be rowing at least by bow 4. It doesn’t matter that they’re novices, “oh they weren’t going that fast”, “they probably just didn’t know where to go”, etc. … NO. Not buying ANY of those excuses.

Coxswains, I implore you to use your common sense and pay attention to the traffic patterns so you know where the travel lanes are and where the actual race course is. I don’t care if you’re a novice or varsity – pay attention. Varsity coxswains (and coaches, because … it’s your job …), you should be asking the novices multiple times if they understand the course, the traffic pattern(s), etc. so that there is no question that they’re prepared when they go out on the water and aren’t going to be at risk of putting themselves or another crew in danger. Novices, you need to suck. it. up. and get over being intimidated by asking questions and ask someone if you don’t know where you need to go. There are plenty of people on land that you can ask, in addition to regatta officials and other crews on the water. You should also have your head on a swivel at all times so that situations like this don’t happen.

There’s really no question with regards to how the coxswain from Marietta College handled this. Given the nature of the situation, I think he did well. I mean, what else can you do other than make a split second decision to either try to get the other crew’s attention and/or drastically alter your course? He was loud, made a good effort to get the coxswain’s attention, got his crew right back into it afterwards, and didn’t appear to have to make any steering adjustments. Saying “way off course, coxswain” is pretty much the tamest thing he could have said in that moment so props to him for not losing it on the other crew. Trust me, as much as you’d probably want to in that situation … don’t. Find the regatta officials afterwards and talk to them or go find the crew’s tent/trailer if you know what team they’re from and let their coach know what happened. It’s not about throwing them under the bus or trying to get them in trouble so don’t use that a reason to not say something later. The only way situations like this are going to be prevented in the future is if people speak up and give the coaches/officials a chance to address with the coxswains where they need to be on the water, either again or simple more effectively this time.

Coxing Novice Q&A

Question of the Day

Hi! I’m a sophomore girl who just finished her novice year as first boat coxswain. I began fall as a rower and started coxing half way through winter (after Crash-Bs). Due to several strokes (haha) of luck (for me) I quickly moved up from being my teams third and least experienced coxswain to my teams only, most experienced, and favored coxswain. We eventually gained two more coxswains but I remained my coach’s and rower’s favorite.

Point of this is that coxing novice first 8+ and first 4+ through several gold medals this season had given me a lot of confidence and I thought I’d be ready for varsity and that I might even be able to beat out some of their current coxswains. But, a couple weeks ago, I broke two riggers and and an oar on our best boat during practice in an accident that left the boat itself and my rowers in tact and ever since then I’m pretty sure the varsity coach–my future coach–hates me a little and no longer trusts me like he seemed to before hand. I apologized and took full responsibility for breaking the boat, the riggers and oar were replaced without too much hassle, and me and my rowers went on to place a close 2nd at Midwest in that boat.

The overall point of this whole story are my questions: do you have any tips on how to improve my coxing over the summer (during which I’m not doing any sort of summer rowing programs)? And, are there any specific things you think I should do to help gain the varsity coach’s trust back? I want to prove to him that I’m good enough for second boat or for the lightweight V8 even as a junior with only a year of experience because I really think I’m not that bad of a coxswain now and that any sort of improvement could boost that. Anyway, thank you so much for this blog and for whatever answer or advice you can give!

I’ll be totally honest with you, if I was your coach I’d probably be a little apprehensive of your coxing abilities for awhile too but at the same time, I’d probably chalk part of whatever happened up to you being a novice. I highly doubt your coach hates you though. Adults don’t really experience the same levels of satisfaction that come with blatantly disliking someone the way we did when we were teenagers so it’s likely that you’re just misinterpreting his frustration with the overall situation as something it’s not. I think you’ll agree with me when I say that he definitely has a right to be frustrated too. I don’t think you need to do anything specific to try and win back his trust and truthfully, I’d advise against trying to apologize again or make some grand gesture because it’s like … whatever, it happened, move on already.

That applies to anyone in similar situations too – two times max is really quite enough when it comes to apologies. Once when it happens and again (privately) after practice. After that I just don’t care anymore and will probably get annoyed with you, as I think most coaches would. Saying you’re sorry umpteen hundred times doesn’t actually mean you’re sorry or prove that you’ve learned anything from what happened. Doing something different at practice and upping your game is a much better way to prove you’ve moved on and have become a better coxswain thanks to the situation you were put in. That would do a lot more for restoring my trust in you than probably anything else you could do.

Related: Do you have any advice for a novice coxswain who just crashed for the first time? It really shook me up and I know I won’t be able to get back in the boat for a few days (due to our walk-on coxswain rotation) but I want to get over it.

As far as improving over the summer, if you’re not going to be doing anything rowing related I’d recommend listening to the occasional recording or two when you’ve got some free time (long car rides or flights are perfect for this), doing some research on anything you didn’t fully understand or want to learn more about, etc. Otherwise just take the summer off. There’s nothing wrong with that. If there are rowing programs near you, even if you’re not participating in them see if you can get in contact with one of the coaches and ask to ride in the launch with them for a practice or two. I always liked doing this when I could in Boston because every coach is so unique with their approach that I’d ultimately come off the water having an entirely new perspective on something that I thought I understood pretty well already.

Coxing Novice Q&A Rowing Technique

Question of the Day

I’m brand spanking new at coxing. I’m an indoor rower instructor, where correcting form and giving cues is based on having a good view of body position. As a cox, I don’t have the body cues of my crew to help me (beyond my stern seat.) I know paddle height and timing should be telling me what I need, but I’m having a hard time interpreting what I’m seeing into form correction. Any thoughts you could share are appreciated!

Kayakers use paddles, rowers use oars. “Stern seat” is called “stroke”.

As a coxswain, in general you should be less concerned with correcting the bodies and more focused on the things you can see like bladework, timing, puddles, etc. Anything specific regarding the bodies will most likely be individual in nature and come straight from the coach since they have an easier time seeing those kinds of things. You should pay attention to what they’re saying to the rowers or crew as a whole so you can make “reminder” calls as necessary but the majority of your “body calls” are going to come from things you’ve heard the coach say, observations you’ve made on land, etc. and less so from direct observations while you’re coxing.

Just to clarify, I consider “body calls” to be about 99% related to posture and nothing else. Things such as handle heights, for example, are straight technique calls for me because I don’t need to see the body to know what the hands are doing since I can see the oars right in front of me. If something relating to posture is resulting in poor handle heights then I’d normally rely on the coach to make that call before I start postulating from several seats away what the exact issue is.

Now that I’ve been coxing for awhile I can typically make those calls on my own and be right or at least in the ballpark the majority of the time but when I was a novice I’d wait for my coach to make the call and then eventually incorporate the things he said into my own calls during practice, pieces, races, etc. once I had a solid understanding of the issue. Usually he’d go over with me after practice what he saw, why he said what he said, why this is the correction he had them make, etc. and then give me a day or so to process everything before asking me (spur of the moment) to explain it all back to him.

Most of the time it’d be on the water and he’d say “Kayleigh, if you were me, what would you say to Abby in order to correct the problem she’s having with missing water at the catch?” or something along those lines. When I could explain it back to him on the spot, in detail, and in front of my teammates proficiently enough, that is when he’d allow me to start making calls and corrections relating to that issue on my own. This demonstrated to him (and to an extent, my teammates) that I wasn’t just wildly guessing at what might be causing the problem, rather I was making a fairly certain educated guess on what was happening based on what I knew about the stroke, what I knew the rower’s tendencies were, and what the typical corrections were for that or similar issues. When making any kind of calls for the body, having the memory of an elephant helps a ton.

Poor timing is less about body position and more about just being too slow or too fast on the recovery. It can be because of other things but those are the more common reasons. Oar height is related to handle heights. If the blade is up in the air (known as “skying”) then the hands are too close to the legs on the recovery and/or feet at the catch. If the blade is barely off or dragging on the water then the rower most likely didn’t tap his hands down at the finish, meaning the hands are too high. The collection point for the finish is around the belly button/bottom rib so pulling in to this point should give you a solid couple of inches to tap the blade out. When they come away on the recovery the blade should be about six inches off the water to allow for a direct catch with little to no missed water. (If you have more specific questions – i.e. you’re seeing this, what does it mean, how should it be corrected, etc. – feel free to email me.)

Have your coach take a camera out on the water with him and try to get some video of the crew rowing if you want to learn more about what the rowers bodies look like and the corrections they need to make. Also ask if you can ride in the launch one day if you’ve got another coxswain who can switch in for you. I would say though that if you’re just coxing recreationally or as part of a learn-to-row program and not as part of a competitive team, don’t over-think things and try to find a solution to every problem right off the bat or think that every technique error is strictly related to something going wrong with the bodies. (I wouldn’t recommend doing that even if you are coxing competitively…) Just go out, have fun, and steer the boat. Let your coach do the coaching and just listen to what he/she is saying until you become proficient enough to make the calls yourself.

I went out a couple times with some of the adult classes when I coached at CRI and there were few things more irritating than trying to coach a boat with this one rower who knew pretty much nothing about rowing but thought they knew everything because they’d just recently been certified as an indoor instructor. Whenever they’d get in the coxswain’s seat they’d try to make all these grand observations and corrections but all it did was confuse the other rowers, waste time, and piss the coaches off. Input and communication between the coach and coxswain is great and pretty crucial but when you’re just starting out, the best thing you can do is just listen and develop a better understanding for the stroke before trying to make corrections on your own. One of my coaches used to say “you coach the blades and I’ll coach the bodies” and that worked well for us because I coached what I could easily see and he did the same without either of us interfering with the other. We’d both listen to what the other was saying and factor that into the calls we were making but for the most part, I was responsible for coaching/correcting the bladework and he focused on coaching and correcting the body positions.

Coxing High School Novice Q&A Teammates & Coaches

Question of the Day

Hello!! First I just wanted to say that I am a high school novice cox and your blog has helped me so much. But I have a problem. My varsity/head coaches are so supportive and nice, but my novice coach isn’t. She has missed practice almost everyday for 3 weeks, and she flipped when I missed practice one day for an appointment that I had scheduled months in advance. She’s a good athletic coach who knows a lot about rowing and sports injuries, but not about feelings. At our last regatta my dad was talking to her. Today at practice in front of my whole team she blamed for the team’s loss. Considering the fact that she hasn’t been a real part of the team and then just shows up out of the blue, I think that’s part of what messed up the team. She came in and changed our start sequence and everything that we’ve learned. She kept knocking me down in front of the team. It got the point that I came home and cried for two hours. Everyone on my team calls her “a hero” because of how much she knows. I agree that she knows a lot about rowing, but not about coxing. What should I do?

Whoa. Personally, I automatically lose a lot of respect for any coach that calls someone out like that in front of the team, especially in a sport that is as team-oriented as rowing is. That’s just not cool. I can’t really even understand her frustration with you missing practice due to an appointment that was scheduled months in advance. If you’re a novice how likely was it that you knew you’d be doing crew when the appointment was made anyways? Regardless, it’s pretty hypocritical for her to be upset that you missed one practice if she’s not even consistently there.

If you’re not comfortable talking directly to her, I’d say that if you’ve got a good relationship with your head coaches, talk with them since that’s obviously who she’d report to hierarchy-wise. You could also have your dad there if you wanted since he talked with her at your regatta and might have addressed some of the issues you’ve been having. Explain the issue(s) to your coaches though and say that while it’s obvious that she knows her stuff about rowing, it’s coming across like she doesn’t understand much about coxing and it’s becoming very frustrating for you because instead of being coached you’re being blamed for team losses, etc. Hopefully from there either they can talk with her or have a group meeting with you and her. I would say outside of just ignoring the negative things she says, talking with them and hoping they can address things with her is probably your best/only option.

Coxing Novice Q&A Teammates & Coaches

Question of the Day

Hi! I’m a Novice Coxswain (who use to be a varsity rower until I told my coach I wanted to cox cause I’m 5’0″) and I cox a men’s Novice 8 (I’m a girl) . Lately they’ve been disrespecting me and ignoring my commands. I’ve told the coaches and other coxswains (we are a small team and only have 5 coxswains) and my coaches always remind everyone to “respect your coxswains or you’ll be kicked off the team” besides them being mean and rude to me. We haven’t won a race all season and they are starting to blame me – but I feel like it’s not really my fault much? And last regatta my stroke seat hurt his arm picking up the boat at the regatta and according to a friend of mine they were all blaming me for him hurting his arm. They also got mad at me for saying “C’mon I’ve seen you row harder!” which I understand but they were getting up on me for ‘hurting their feelings’ (like them harassing me and picking on me isn’t hurting mine??). Not only that but another coxswain who had to cox them while I was out said meaner things to them and the same exact thing – but they never got mad at her and I think it’s because she flirts with them and stuff. At this point I don’t know what to do and I love the varsity rowers so much but I’m thinking about retiring early this season so I don’t have to deal with them…

I don’t get why coaches threaten to kick people off the team if they disrespect their coxswains (or anyone else). It’s not like anyone ever follows through with that. The day a coach kicks their best rower(s) off the team for being a dick to their coxswain (or hell, vice versa too…) is the day I start working for NASA.

I think that when things go wrong and there’s no one specifically to blame, it’s easiest for people to blame the coxswain because “it’s not like you do anything” and the rowers are bigger than us so there’s that whole thing where they think they’re intimidating us when in reality, they just look like assholes. With the exception of a few special cases, I really do believe that no one person is ever to blame for a loss. Everyone is responsible though because you’re a crew and that’s how it works. There’s always something that everyone can do a little bit better.

If your stroke hurt his arm … how is that your fault? Unless there’s some major details you’re leaving out, like you hired someone to Tonya Harding him out of spite or something, then just ignore it because they’re just looking for someone to blame and you’re an easy target (or so they think). I can understand why they’d get pissed at you for saying “I’ve seen you row harder” but at the same time, that’s a necessary and legitimate call sometimes. Of course there are better ways to phrase it but sometimes you’ve gotta be blunt about it because you know they’re capable of more than they’re doing right now. If saying that somehow hurt their feelings … wow.

If I was their coxswain I’d tell them to shut up, suck it up, and oh, I donno, row like they’re capable and then maybe I wouldn’t have to make calls like that. I take serious issue with rowers who think that their power output is directly proportional to how good (or bad) they think a coxswain’s calls are, like if the coxswain isn’t making good calls then that somehow makes it OK for them to row with the power of an eight year old. You can still row at 100% if the coxswain is making shitty calls. A coxswain is supposed to enhance your rowing but at the end of the day, you are still in control of your oar. You’re the one that decides how hard to push off and pull through the water, not the coxswain. Don’t interpret that as me taking any responsibility away from the coxswains because I’m not, I’m just making sure you guys are aware of your role in this. You can’t put all the blame on the coxswain when things go wrong because you bear some of the responsibility too. You are the ones with the oars in your hand.

As far as the other coxswain goes, I donno, as a fellow coxswain that’s just a non-issue for me. Not that you’re doing this but just a word of caution to all the women out there: don’t be that female coxswain that gets pissed off because another female coxswain is getting along well with a men’s crew. Just don’t. If you want to come off as a super petty, immature bitch then go for it but don’t assume that she’s flirting with them or doing anything else to/for/with them just because the guys are listening to her and she’s having a good time with them. Maybe she’s just a good coxswain who has found a way that works when it comes to communicating with them. Instead of making assumptions or spreading rumors you should talk to her and say “hey, I’ve been having a hard time trying to work with these guys but you’ve seemed to figure out how to get them to respond to you – what’s your secret?”. I can’t say that I really stay on top of the rules of feminism but I’m pretty sure that tearing other women down because of how successful they are or questioning how they got where they are isn’t one of them.

Coxing Novice Q&A Racing

Question of the Day

Hey! I’m a novice coxswain and yesterday we had our first race which we lost by a lot. I struggled with trying to motivate my boat when we really didn’t have a chance of coming back. I could tell everyone felt pretty defeated and I didn’t know what to say to keep them working hard. Do you have any advice on what sort of calls I can make if this happens again? (Fingers crossed it doesn’t)

Check out the two posts linked below. The first one is a video from the Harvard, Penn, and Navy race from last spring and the second is a question about coxing off of other boats when you’re doing pieces at practice. Both touch on similar issues of one boat being way ahead of the other(s) and ways to deal with that as the coxswain.

Related: VOTW: Harvard, Penn, and Navy

The toughest thing is not letting what you’re seeing come across in your tone of voice. If the rowers start to detect any sign of defeat in your voice it’s going to change the entire attitude of the boat. It can from “yea, we’re in this!” to “screw it, why bother” in a very short period of time if you’re not careful. Don’t start getting overly-motivational because that just makes it obvious that you think they have no chance but on the flip side, don’t get completely dour or silent either.

I was fortunate enough that I was only in this position maybe two times that I can remember and the thing that I told my crews both times was that regardless of where we finished, we were going to cross the line looking, acting, and rowing like a first place crew. Being down in a race is no excuse for letting your technique get sloppy or your attitude to become “woe is me”. Losing a race and having a bad race aren’t synonymous – you can lose and still have a good row. The crews that are ahead should always be just the tiniest bit afraid that you could come back on them at any given second. It doesn’t matter if you’re in first place or fifth place though, you should finish the race rowing as hard and as well as you can.

Related: My girls really like when I cox off of other boats, even if we’re just doing steady state. I’m in the 2V boat so they all want to beat the 1V at ALL times. I find it easy to cox when we’re next to another boat/in front of it. However, I never quite know what to say without being negative and annoying when we’re CLEARLY behind another boat. Yesterday afternoon we were practically three lengths behind the v1, and we STILL didn’t catch up even when they added a pause. What do I say at times like these? I always end up getting rather quiet since the overall attitude of my boat is pretty down. I feel like whenever I call a 10 or get into the piece at this point it does absolutely nothing, since my rowers have practically given up.

This is where intrinsic motivation is so important because, like you said, it’s easy for a coxswain to just run out of things to say to keep their rowers going. The rowers should have their own personal reasons for being out there (that their coxswain doesn’t know about) that they can rely on for motivation when they need a reason to keep going. I would try to remind the rowers in close races or races where we were down a few seats (particularly in the 3rd 500) to think about why you row … what do you do it for? … and then we’d take a BIG refocus 5 for that. I wanted to be able to feel their motivation in those five strokes. This would always gain us back a couple seats and from there, I’d cox them like normal until we crossed the line.

The best thing you can do is to find something that will put a bit of energy back in the boat and then capitalize on that. There is no “magic call” for this and it’ll very rarely be the same thing between boats – it’s gotta be completely unique to each crew, something that you only know because you know your rowers and what drives them. They key is remembering that all you’ve gotta do is ignite a spark and let the fire follow. Once you see the fire in your rowers, fuel it like you would during any other race.

Another thing I’d say to them is something our coaches said to us after a particularly rough practice and before all of our races: who do you row for? They’d ask us two to three times, louder and more aggressively each time, WHO DO YOU ROW FOR? My interpretation of that was that they were always reminding us that what we’re doing is bigger than any one individual. You’re rowing for each other, your teammates, and for the pride you have in your program. Pride and dignity should be two huge forces that drive your crew and you want to be able to cross the line with both of those things intact regardless of where you finish.

Talk about the importance of mental toughness with them too. Remind them that just because there’s a voice in your head telling you there’s no point in continuing to row hard doesn’t mean you have to listen to it. Also remind them that the other four or eight people in the boat aren’t giving up, which means they can’t either. The only time you should ever assume anything during a race is that you’re the only one doubting yourself. Always assume that the other four or eight people are 100% confident in your abilities as individuals and as a crew. That should be enough to change your mindset really quick.

Related: Words.

Finally, talk to your crew about your race and find out what they were thinking, how they felt, and what you could have said to keep them going. Get their feedback and use all of that to help shape your calls for next week. Whenever you feel them starting to slip off the pace (this applies to practice too), use what they said to you about your last race to keep them going hard in this race.

Coxing Novice Q&A Teammates & Coaches

Question of the Day

I’ve been having problems with one of the assistant coaches. Overall, his attitude towards me has been one of dislike/disappointment. Part of this may be due to him not knowing I’m a novice cox and expecting me to be at the level of an experienced one (I’ve been with the varsity a lot #coxswainshortage), but most of it is definitely due to a few bouts of incompetence earlier in the season.

Now, however, I’ve improved significantly, but he still has very little patience for me (compared to other coxes) when I ask for clarification on the water and is very reluctant and disdainful when I ask for advice (on land). In addition, there’s significant communication issues, as he (and the other coaches) use plastic-cone megaphones, and whenever I can’t hear clearly and ask for clarification (or can’t hear at all), they always interpret it as me not paying attention, which further reinforces his bad image of me.

Today especially was a terrible practice, as all these elements and more were at play. My boat and one other were under his sole supervision the entire time we were on the water. He was pissed at one of the other boats not with us at the time, and he was quite clearly projecting that anger onto us. Due to various factors (seaplanes, head coach not present, pointed his megaphone at other boat) the communication issues were at an all time high, and his short fuse made me afraid to ask for clarification. As a consequence, I felt quite helpless, especially as he seemed strangely angry whenever I did manage to do what he wanted. In addition, it seemed as if he were merely along for the ride, as said NOTHING other than the drills and pieces we were supposed to be doing. Help!

Dear coaches, you wanna know who can hear what you’re saying when you use those stupid cone things? NOOO ONEEE. No one knows what you’re saying because your words are muffled and not in any way whatsoever louder or clearer than if you just shouted them from across the river. Those cones suck. Stop using them, particularly if you’re the type of coach who gets pissed and/or irritated when your coxswains ask you for clarification or to repeat your instructions because they couldn’t hear you the first time you said them. And again, just to reiterate the point, the reason they couldn’t hear and/or understand is because – say it with me! – THOSE. CONES. SUCK. Seriously, just save everyone the frustration and buy a megaphone.

Have you talked to your head coach about this? I could tell you how to deal with each of these problems individually if it was like, a one-off situation but it sounds more like the issues you’re having with the assistant have turned into habitual problems. When it gets to that point, that’s when you need to consult whoever’s above them (in this case, your head coach) and bring to their attention what’s been going on. If you haven’t brought any of this up, I would try talking with your head coach privately and explaining the situation. Since he actually knows your assistant he might be able to give you some advice on how to work with him or what the best ways are to go about communicating with him. At the very least, hopefully he can talk to him and point out the fact that what he’s doing isn’t effective for anyone (and that he’s being an asshole).

If he doesn’t know that you’re a novice I would definitely point that out to him so that he does know. I can understand expecting you to cox at a higher level if you’ve been working with the varsity crews (that’s understandable and pretty reasonable, regardless of why you’re with them) but you’re also going to make mistakes simply because you aren’t experienced enough yet to know better. That’s to be expected of any novice coxswain, provided you learn from the mistakes you make and make an effort to not repeat them in the future. He should be making an effort to teach you how to avoid making those mistakes too instead of getting annoyed at you if/when it happens.

Whatever “bouts of incompetence” you had before really doesn’t matter now, particularly if you’ve stepped up your game and improved your skills. If he seems reluctant to give you advice when you’re just talking face to face, honestly, I feel like I can pretty much guarantee that it’s because he doesn’t know what to tell you. I’ve had plenty of coaches do that before and the older/more experienced I got, the more I realized it was just a way to avoid saying “I don’t know”.

I’ve definitely had days where stuff outside of crew has pissed me off enough that I’ve brought it to practice with me but I do try really hard to not project that on to the people I’m coxing or coaching. It’s just not productive or fair. If another boat does something that makes me mad or makes them worthy of being made an example of then I’ll try to explain to whatever boat I’m coaching why I’m mad, why what they did was wrong, and what they should have done instead. That’s a much better use of your time as a coach because at least the rowers will learn something.

The best thing you can do as the coxswain in that situation though is to keep your boat under control and not do anything to aggravate his already short fuse. Having to tip toe around your coach is pretty shitty but sometimes it’s the best thing for you and your crew to do. It might and probably will be very tempting to back talk him and just blurt out “dude, what is your problem” when he’s treating you unfairly due to something completely unrelated to your boat but you have to resist the urge and just keep your mouth shut. By no means does that mean you have to accept it, just don’t engage it at that moment.

One thing you should never be afraid of though is to talk to your coach about something and if you are, that’s when you need to go over their head and talk to the head coach about all of this. Feeling helpless as a coxswain is quite possibly the worst feeling you can experience (been there, felt that, it sucks), especially when you already feel like none of the coaches have your back or are willing to help you out when you need it. The best advice I can offer you in this situation though is to talk to your head coach, either on your own or with a couple guys from your boat, and let him handle this. It sounds like it’s gotten to the point where it’s more of a personnel problem that he needs to handle than anything else.

Coxing Novice Q&A Teammates & Coaches

Question of the Day

Hi. So I am one of 4 coxswains on my team. We primarily have 3 boats: 1 V8+, 1 N8+ and 1 V4+. I have the second most experience coxing of the four of us, yet my coach is putting me with novices. Over the last few weeks I have only been coxing the V8+ and V4+. Our first race is on Sunday, and I have only been in the Novice boat one time since we got back on the water. The coxswain who has the least experience is practicing with varsity this week, but I feel like I should be there since I’ve been working with them the most, and we seem to have found a good rhythm. I want to talk to my coach about it, but I don’t want to sound like I think I’m entitled just because I’m older than the other coxswain. Thanks!

I’ve been in that exact same position before, as the novice coxswain and the experienced one. When I was a novice my coaches put the new coxswains with the 1V, 2V, and JV8s and the varsity coxswains with the N8+, F8+, and whatever fours we had. The purpose for doing that was to give the novice coxswains an opportunity to learn how to steer, practice the basic commands, etc. with people who already knew what they were doing. (Novice coxswains + novice rowers = the deaf and blind leading the deaf and blind, leading to verrrrry frustrated coaches). Learning to steer is infinitely easier if you can practice with people who can already row reasonably well and know how to maintain the set.

Practicing the basic calls is easy too because if you make a mistake the coach doesn’t have to worry about everything going to hell as a result. In most cases, the stroke can talk the coxswain through the warm ups or drills and answer any questions they have, which is also really helpful. It also gives the coach peace of mind that if they somehow get in a bad situation (on the wrong side of the river, stuck in some branches on shore, coming into the dock wrong, etc.), the rowers can talk themselves out of it while the coxswain absorbs what is happening so they know in the future what they should do instead (alternatively, the stroke can tell the coxswain what needs to happen and the coxswain can repeat those calls to the crew, thus learning what they need to say and who they need to say it to).

As the varsity coxswain in the novice boat, this is really for the coach more than anything else because it gives them the chance to work directly with the rowers without having to worry about the coxswain not knowing what to do and/or steering them off a cliff. They can also have you go through the drills with the rowers without having to explain every detail of how it’s done first, which allows them to concentrate their focus on developing the rowers’ technique. Having really good communication skills and lots of patience are also qualities that would entice the coach to put you with the novices. My patience was never that high but I made up for it with my ability to explain what we were doing, how it was done, etc. in a way that new rowers could understand.

Since it seems like a couple of the coxswains are switched around and not just you, I would maybe wait until after this weekend to say something if your coach maintains these lineups through the end of the week. My assumption would be that he wants both the novice eight and the novice coxswain to get a race under their belts without being hindered by one another, meaning the novice eight can focus on rowing their race while being coxed by someone who knows what they’re doing and the novice coxswain can practice steering a straight course with a crew that has good enough technique to not get in the way of that. That way when they eventually get in the same boat, both will know roughly what to do thanks to having the opportunity to first work with people who actually do know what to do. This will also give you the opportunity to work on your communication skills and introducing the novice crew to what racing is really like, in addition to explaining some of the things that you learned as a novice that the coach might not be able to explain.

After this weekend if your coach doesn’t switch you back to your normal boats, then you can approach him and ask if the lineups you’re in now are permanent or if they’re just temporary. I feel like that’s a pretty normal thing to want to know so I don’t think posing that question makes you appear entitled at all. As long as you don’t come off all “WTF this is BS, I’ve been here longer, I deserve the top boat” and get all whiny about it, you should be fine. I asked my coaches the same question two years in a row and they answered it pretty casually both times.

Coxing How To Novice Racing Video of the Week

Video of the Week: Stake Boat Tips & Tricks

Getting into the stake boats at regattas isn’t that hard, provided you’ve practiced how to do it beforehand. If you try doing it for the first time at the start of your race, you’re gonna have a bad time.

Related: Racing skills: Pre-race prep

This video has a lot of good pointers on how to get into the stake boats so definitely check it out and share it with the younger coxswains on your team.

What happens at a coaches & coxswains meeting?

Coxing Novice Racing

What happens at a coaches & coxswains meeting?

Coaches and coxswains meetings are held at every regatta, typically first thing in the morning but occasionally in the afternoon/evening the day before racing begins (I’ve been to ones as early as 6am and as late as 6pm). They are a necessary part of any regatta and are where the regatta officials provide information to the coaches and coxswains on regatta rules, procedures, course details, schedule issues, etc.

It is imperative that you go to these. Yes it sucks having to get up really early in the morning to go to a 15-20 minute long meeting, especially when you or your team doesn’t race until later in the morning or afternoon, but the information that you’re given helps make the regatta run quicker and smoother for everyone. Even if you’ve been to the regatta three times already and know what’s said in the meeting backwards and forwards, I still encourage you to go. This year might be the year that the regatta officials say something different and you might not know until it’s potentially too late.

If there are any coaches reading this, I encourage you to not go in place of your coxswains. You should go with them to avoid having to repeat all the information later on. Having coaches go for the coxswains also presents the problem of the coach selectively choosing what to tell the coxswains later on, which can cause confusion and unnecessary stress, penalties, etc.

When going to early-morning meetings that happen well before the rest of the team needs to arrive, have just the coxswains and coaches go either on the bus (which, believe it or not, CAN go back to the hotel to get the rest of the team) or with one of parents. Afterwards, walk around the race site, go down to the docks (if you’re able to), walk up to the start line if possible, etc. and visualize what was discussed during the meeting. As much as you might want to, don’t just plop down into a cocoon of blankets and pillows in the tent until everyone shows up. That’s the fastest way to forget everything the regatta officials said.

Below you’ll find a very, very annotated outline of (almost) everything that happens during these meetings.

Roll call

At large regattas and sometimes smaller ones, the officials will start off by doing a roll call of the teams. Just like taking roll during class, all you have to do is say “here”. At the regattas I’ve been to that have done this, attending the meeting was required and if you were not present when your team name was called you were assessed some kind of team points-related penalty.

Introduction of the referees

These include the dock master, starting line marshal, finish line marshal, course referees, and regatta director/head official. (Note, at some regattas, certain officials may take on two roles, i.e the starting line marshal is also the course referee, etc.)

Dock marshal

In charge of getting crews on and off the dock. They will call you down to the dock and direct you where to launch from and as you come in, where to dock. You must follow their instructions and go to the space they direct you to. They’ll also typically check to ensure that you have your bow numbers. Sometimes they’ve got extras on hand if you don’t have yours but don’t assume that they do.

The dock masters are also the first in line to make sure the regatta is running on time. If crews are taking too long on the dock, they will push you along and tell you to hurry up. Budget for 90 seconds on the dock and no longer. A great way to put your team in a favorable position with regatta directors is to not piss off the dock masters. If they sound gruff or agitated, don’t assume that you’ve done something wrong and/or get angry or talk back to them. They’re on a tight schedule so get your crew moving as quickly as possible so that other crews don’t need to wait on you.

Starting line marshal(s)

There is at least one and sometimes up to three marshals in the starting area. The first one you’ll probably encounter is the one telling you where to go as you approach the line. They’ll usually say something like “Marietta, pull it up behind the platform and proceed to (whichever side of the platform your lane is on).” Make sure you raise your hand to indicate you heard their instructions.

Once the previous race has gone off and the platform is clear, the second marshal, who is usually standing up on top of the platform will call you in, typically by lane number, and tell you how much time there is to the start. “Marietta, Saratoga, and Grosse Ile, pull it up and enter your lanes in order of bow number. 6 minutes to start.” This marshal is also the one who will call the start by saying “Attention, go!”.

The third marshal is lined up parallel to the platform and looks straight across the bow balls of each crew. They’re in charge of aligning the crews and getting everyone even. In the event that you aren’t on a starting platform that has a marshal on it, the marshal who is doing the aligning will also be the one who calls the start.

Finish line marshal

The finish line marshal is usually on land or way off to the side of the finish line. As the crews cross they’ll usually blow air horn or drop a flag so you’ll know that you’re done.

Course referees

Course referees follow the race down behind the crews in a launch and are responsible for making sure nothing goes awry during the race. They’ll have two flags with them that they’ll use to communicate with the crews, typically to tell coxswains to move back into their lanes if they start to drift over. If a collision happens or something breaks, they’ll be responsible for stopping the race and restarting it, if necessary.

Regatta director/head official

Sometimes these are the same person, sometimes they’re not. The head official, in my experience, is who handles protests, announcing the races, and/or any other overarching issues with the regatta. If you have any questions that arise after the meeting, go to regatta headquarters and find this person.

Official regatta time

This may not be the same time you have on your watch or phone, so you’ll need to adjust whatever time keeping device you plan on using to match what the officials say. If their official time is five minutes faster than what you have and you don’t account for that, that could be a big problem for you when you get to the start and find that your race is already locked on to the platforms. I don’t think it’s even possible to change the time on phones so having an analog watch that you use for crew is a great thing to keep on you or attached to your cox box. Having a different time than the officials is not an excuse for being late to the dock or starting line.

Launching requirements

Requirements typically include having your oars already down by the dock (or having someone carry them alongside you as you walk down), having heel ties on your foot stretchers (this should be done before you travel), and having the correct bow number.

Time between first call and getting to the starting line

The announcers will make a first call, second call, and third call “x” number of minutes before the start of your race, usually somewhere between 45 and 30 minutes. You should know when your first call is and plan to have hands on a few minutes before that.

There’s a science to working the call system. You don’t want to be the first one out, get to the start really quickly, and then have to wait around for your race. You also don’t want to be the last crew out and get stuck between other boats that are in the races after you who are going out on their first call because then you get frantic about getting to the line in time. You also want to pay attention to the weather. If it’s really hot, sunny, humid, cold, snowing, windy, raining, or any other kind of inclement weather, don’t go out any earlier than you have to. If the weather is going to make getting to the start take longer, plan for that. If it’s a nice day but really hot out, try to go out as close to the end of the second call as you can so you can avoid the sun draining everyone’s energy.

At the meeting, the officials will give you an indication of how long it takes to row up to the start under normal circumstances. It’s usually somewhere in the range of 15-20 minutes depending on the warm up you do, if you have to stop for a race coming down, etc. Make sure you plan for this when you determine how early you need to get hands on and launch.


The centers are how often a race goes off the line. Usually they’re something around 12-15 minutes, give or take.

Directions to the starting line and back to the dock

Some courses are set up funny and it’s not that obvious how to get to the start or back to the docks after you finish. The officials will have a map out and will indicate which way you need to go to get from A to B. Pay attention to this because not following these directions can result in you going against the traffic pattern, which could lead to collisions and/or penalties.

Traffic patterns

There is at least one main traffic pattern you must follow and sometimes two.

On the way to the start and back to the docks after you finish

99.999% of the time it’s the same standard traffic pattern that we follow every day we’re out. If it’s different, they’ll tell you.

In the starting area

If there’s a large starting area that you can practice starts and stuff in, they’ll typically have  you row  around in a counter-clockwise circle. If you’re not planning on doing starts, make sure you know where to sit so you’re not in anyone’s way.

Course hazards

Low water levels, debris, rocks, trees hanging out from shore, or my personal favorite, seaweed…all are things they’ll tell you to be aware of and how to avoid them. (Shout out to Stony Creek, MI and the f-ing seaweed that delayed nearly every race I was in at Midwests my freshman and sophomore year … and the officials who forgot to tell us about it.)


Where they are on the course (500, 1000, 1500, 2000m, etc.), if the course has buoyed lanes, and if the last 250-300m has different colored buoys than the rest of the course. (Usually they’ll be red whereas the rest of the course buoys are white.)

Hot seating

Sometimes hot seating isn’t allowed but if it is, one of two things will happen. The rower that is going out of your boat and into another will need to hop out as soon as you get on the dock, so you’ll need to have another rower come down to take their place when you carry it up or you’ll have to dock in a different area (in my experience, usually a beach area that is 100m or so up from the dock), which is where the crew the rower is joining will launch from. If YOU are the one hot seating (been there, done that) have another coxswain meet you and take the boat up (or have your coach do it). The rowers cannot cox themselves up. The procedures can be confusing so make sure you pay attention and know ahead of time whether or not you’ll be hot seating.

Stake boats vs. floating starts

Most likely you’ll know this a few days ahead of time but sometimes the officials decide to forgo one for the other, for whatever reason. Typically they go from a stake boat start to a floating start, not the other way around, usually because of weather.

How you’ll be called to the start

The marshals will say “10 minutes to start, 7 minutes to start, 5 minutes to start, 2 minutes to start…” so you’ll always know how much time there is. Depending on the course you may or may not be allowed to do practice starts on the course while other crews are getting locked on. Make sure you know whether or not this is allowed. The officials will usually call you in my lane number if you’re on stake boats. If you’re doing a floating start they’ll line the crews up about 100ish meters above the starting line and bring you down together.

The alignment process

This will depend on whether or not you’re starting from a stake boat or doing a floating start. If you’re doing a stake boat start they’ll have you row it up, back it in, and get your point. You won’t need to do anything to align the boats; the official in charge of that will talk directly to the person holding on to your stern. If you’re doing a floating start however, they’ll talk to you and have you row it up (with bow pair) to match the other crews.

Floating starts are frustrating because they’re never totally accurate. Do your part and make sure your bow pair is rowing lightly so that they don’t pull you ahead of the crews you’re trying to get even with. Talk quietly too so that you can still hear the officials.

The starting commands and the flags

There are three different commands the officials can use: the quick start (Attention, GO!), the countdown start (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, attention, GO!), or the polling start (Washington, Cal, Cornell, Brown, Harvard, Princeton, this is the start, attention, GO!). The start that’s used is typically dictated by the weather. They might begin with one starting command but switch to another later in the day as the weather changes but they’ll tell you ahead of time if they anticipate doing that and what they’ll switch to (usually to a quick start if that’s not already what they’re doing).

The starting flag is a white flag that the official on the starting platform will hold. As he says “attention” he will raise it in the air and drop it as he says “go”. At nearly every regatta I’ve ever been to I’ve been told that you go on the drop of the flag, not on “go”. Get clarification on this from the officials if they don’t mention it.

Jumping the start

The fastest way to get 50+ people pissed at you in five seconds or less is to jump the starting line. Depending on the size of the regatta there are different penalties that are given for jumping the slides. Some add seconds to your final time and others give you a warning and then a DQ if it happens a second time. Know what the penalties are and talk to your rowers so they know what’s at stake.

Broken equipment

If something in your boat breaks, you will almost always be issued a restart if it happens within the first 100m or 30 seconds. It’s different for each regatta. If this happens you’ll be told to stop, raise your hand, and the referee will come over and determine whether or not to stop and restart the race. If the race is to be stopped they’ll usually blast the horn on their megaphone to alert the other crews so always be listening for that. Even if you see another crew stop, don’t stop rowing until you hear that sound.

Broken equipment means physically broken equipment. What is not broken equipment is catching a crab, jumping your slide, your cox box dying, etc. If any of those things happen and you stop and put your hand it the air, you are shit out of luck.

Commands from the course referee(s)

Course referees are really happen when they don’t have to say anything at all during a race. The things they’ll be watching for are crews that are drifting out of their lanes, imminent collisions, etc. They’ll have a red flag that they’ll raise and point to whichever side you need to move to. Make sure your stroke knows to watch out for this and tell you if the official is behind you. If you don’t follow their instructions you can be penalized or disqualified.

In situations like this, I consider it just as much the stroke’s fault (or bow, if you’re in a bow coxed 4+) as the coxswain’s because they can see what is happening behind the boat whereas the coxswain can’t. There needs to be communication happening so the coxswain can move to where the officials are pointing them.

The finish line

Where it is, how it’s marked, and what the officials will do when you cross (flag, horn, etc.). Also, what you should do after you cross – you always need to keep rowing through the line but make sure you know where you’re allowed to stop and for how long. Don’t forget there are races coming down behind you.

How the race will be declared official

When all the crews have crossed, the official that followed the race will briefly talk to the finish line official and then come over to each of the crews to make sure everyone is OK. If it’s a regatta where coxswains were required to weigh in, the officials might have the coxswains hold up their sandbags or weight plates to ensure that they actually brought them in the boat with them and are carrying them on their person (vs. distributing them throughout the boat, which is against the rules).

If no one has a protest, the officials will raise a white flag and the race will be “official”. If there is a protest, the officials will raise a red flag and the results will be considered “unofficial” until a ruling has been made.

What to do if a medical emergency occurs

Obviously something like this is not something you can predict but you can prepare yourself ahead of time to deal with the situation should it arise, that way you’re not all “deer in the headlights”. When your lineups are set, figure out if anyone in your boat has any medical issues you should be aware of – asthma and allergies requiring an Epi Pen are the two biggest ones. Make sure you’ve got their inhaler or Epi Pen up in the stern with you so you can get it to them ASAP if they need it.

As soon as you cross the finish line, raise your hand and have the person in front of and behind the rower in distress raise their hands. Don’t just hang them in the air either – you want to get the officials attention immediately and they’re more likely to respond to someone who’s frantically waving their hands in the air.

What to do if any other kind of emergency occurs

This usually refers to someone being ejected from the boat. The rules are different at each regatta so make sure you find out what to do if this occurs.


At the end of the race, raise your hand and wait for the official to come over to you. The protest almost always has to be initiated on the water so make sure you tell the referee about it before you start rowing back to the dock. Explain the situation and what you plan on protesting. Usually at this point the ref will either say “ok” or try to dissuade you from continuing the protest on land.

This is where it’s important to know whether or not what you’re protesting is actually worth protesting. If whatever happened directly knocked you out of the medals or down a spot in the medals, protest it. Otherwise, if you were in 6th place and winning would only bump you up to 5th, don’t. It’s a waste of time for you and more importantly, the officials. At the meeting they’ll probably tell you what they consider to be worth protesting.

Once you get off the water and within a certain period of time (usually 60 minutes from the conclusion of your race), you’ll need to get your coach and make your way to regatta headquarters to file a formal protest. Here you’ll have to write down your complaint and at some of the larger regattas, pay a small fee. If the ruling is in your favor you’ll get the money back. If you lose, you don’t get it back (hence why you should be absolutely sure of your account of what happened).

Like I said at the beginning, this may or may not be everything that the regatta officials go over. If they don’t go over something that you have a question on, raise your hand and ask. There’s a good chance that three other people have the same question. If you don’t ask it and then find yourself lost, confused, or with a penalty later because of it … that sucks but it’s your own fault. Don’t assume that the rules are the same at every regatta either. Even if it’s a USRowing event, which has pretty standard rules across the board, certain things might change depending on the venue.

Image via // @nickmiddletonphoto