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  1. Ugh, he also opens with his back like crazy, as well as recovering his legs before his body is all the way swung over! And so many people going down the line do that too–recovering before their arms and bodies are over. That is my biggest erging pet peeve!

    For a minute I wondered what the whistling was, and then I realized that it’s his BREATHING! Also, watching the determination on his face during his sprint is so inspiring for me.

    Did you notice that he did that without a water bottle next to him?! Right on!! That’s so intense.

  2. I absolutely noticed him breaking his arms early. Also, if you watch the guy next to him on the sprint his body sequencing is all out of wack.

    1. Yes yes yes!!! The arms breaking early was one of the first things I noticed…it drives me CRAZY every time I watch this. And the other guy, his knees are coming up before his arms are straight, he has no body angle whatsoever…ugh!! I get that they’re elite rowers, more power to them for that, but COME ON.

      Row with proper technique (on the water AND the erg) or I promise I will viciously mock you until you do it right. 😛