Day: September 24, 2014


Question of the Day

Hey Kayleigh! Just wanted to say, I really enjoy your no sugar coating, no bullshit attitude. You don’t dance around topics and you’re blunt when it’s required even if it may offend someone. People try too hard to please everyone and it’s refreshing to hear someone who just tells it how it is.

Ha, thanks! I appreciate this. Sometimes I question whether or not something comes off as too harsh and I’ll rewrite it a couple times to be less so but the rewrites always sound fake and not like me at all so I tend to just go with my original thoughts. I too find it refreshing when people just say what they think and tell it like it is (without being assholes) so I’m glad you feel the same way. 🙂

Coxing Q&A

Question of the Day

I’m just so pissed because my seat in the boat was taken today and I understand why because her scores are better, and now my coach isn’t having me race. I’ve been contemplating switching from my mostly sculling club to a more sweep inclined club so I can cox for a long time and I think this was just the final straw. I hate feeling like I have no control, especially because there’s no way my scores can get better than hers; dropping 5 splits just isn’t doable ugh.

Yea, I get that. It’s frustrating when you know that no matter how much effort you put into something it’ll likely never be at the level it needs to be in order to compete with the stronger people on the team. I obviously don’t have any experience with that when it comes to actually rowing but I’ve experienced it in other ways so I understand the feeling you’re talking about. The “no control” part is the worst.

If coxing is something you’re thinking about doing and you’re the right size for it then definitely look at the sweep-based programs in your area and send an email out to the coaches (or stop by the boathouse!) expressing your interest. Let them know that you’ve primarily rowed/sculled up to this point but recently realized that in order to continue with the sport and remain competitive, switching to coxing is probably the most realistic way to go.

Even though you’re pissed you lost your seat and won’t get to race, try not to be too negative about this situation. This is a perfect example of “when one door closes another opens”.