Day: September 26, 2014

Erg Playlists

Music to erg to, pt. 57

Now that the season is starting to pick up the questions are beginning to roll in – if you haven’t yet, check out the five or six I’ve already posted this week and keep an eye out later for the few I still need to post. Also coxswains, make sure you check out the post I did on race plans on Tuesday. It’s a twist on your typical race plan and is aimed more at the longer pieces you’re doing during practice.

And finally *drum roll* last night “Ready all, row…” passed 500,000 hits. That was the goal I was shooting for before the blog turned two so I’m really excited to hit it a week early. Obviously that wouldn’t have happened without you guys stopping by to read everything, sharing the stuff you like with friends, teammates, etc., and promoting the links across social media so thank you for helping me hit the 500k mark!